The Harmonia Cordis Association says Welcome!

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Márton Stummer was born in Győr, Hungary. He completed his studies in the Richter János Conservatoire, later in the Varga Tibor Musical Institute, and eventually in the Liszt Ferenc Music Academy. His teachers: Ede Roth, Antal Pusztai, Attila Reményi and András Csáki. He was awarded as composer and performer at a great number of national and international competitions as well.  Some of these were the following: Carpathian Region International Competition, World Guitar Competition, European Guitar Award Dresden, and Uppsala Guitar Festival. Concerts in (Austria, Germany, Serbia, Italy, Sweden, Israel, USA). His professional activity (bot as composer and performer) includes classical, jazz and contemporary style as well. 


Márton Stummer s-a născut la Győr, Ungaria în anul 1991 și a studiat chitară clasică la instituții importante cum ar fi Liceul de Muzică Richter János, Institutul Muzical Varga Tibor sau Academia de Muzică Liszt Ferec. Acesta a fost îndrumat de profesori excelenți cum ar fi Roth Ede, Pusztai Antal, Reményi Attila sau Csáki András. Acesta este laureatul unor competiții importante de chitară și compoziție cum ar fi Carpathian Region Internation Competition, World Guitar Competition, European Guitar Award Dresden sau Uppsala Guitar Festival. Márton Stummer a concertat în numeroase țări cum ar fi Austria, Germania, Serbia, Italia, Suedia, Israel sau Statele Unite ale Americii, iar prin activitatea sa de artist instrumentist și compozitor acesta îmbină muzica clasică, jazz și muzica contemporană. În anul 2020 a lansat primul său album intitulat „First Step”, care cuprinde compozițiile sale proprii interpretate de el însuși, respectivi alți chitariști importanți de pe teritoriul Ungariei.


Stummer Márton 1991-ben született Győrben, tanulmányait a Richter János konzervatóriumban, a Varga Tibor Zeneművészeti Intézetben és a Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetemen végezte. Tanárai: Roth Ede, Pusztai Antal, Reményi Attila és Csáki András voltak. Több hazai és nemzetközi verseny díjazottja, mint előadó és zeneszerző, ezek közül néhány: Carpathian Region International Competition, World Guitar Competition, European Guitar Award Dresden, Uppsala Guitar Festival. Számos országban koncertezett (Ausztria, Németország, Szerbia, Olaszország, Svédország, Izrael, USA). Zenei tevékenysége, mint zeneszerző és koncertező művész kiterjed a klasszikus, jazz és kortárs zenére is. 2020-ban First Step címmel jelent meg a saját kompozíciókból álló lemeze.