The Harmonia Cordis Association says Welcome!
RÁCZ László

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He is a descendant of a very old, famous family of musicians. He is an eighth generation of the legendary Rácz family of musicians. Laci was born in 1968 and his father had planned a career in classical music for his son. Laci first learned violin and piano, and although he proved to be very talented in both instruments, his heart drew him to the cymbal, much to the regret of his fathers. At the age of nine, his father finally allowed him to fully learn the instrument. He received a classical training as a cimbalom player and entered the Béla Bartok Conservatory in Budapest at the age of 14. There he studied under the direction of Ferenc Gerencser and graduated in 1988 from the Franz Liszt Music Academy in the same city. Towards the end of his studies he was increasingly drawn to gypsy music and asked to be admitted to the world-famous Gypsy Violin Orchestra, where he played for several years as a solo cimbalom player. He also played in other legendary gypsy bands. Since 2000 he has been a member of the large Roby Lakatos Ensemble in Brussels. Then he left the band and returned to Budapest Lakatos, the founding of the NEW TREND BAND with his friends. Laci chose his three favorite types of music, gypsy music, jazz and classical. He founded a new ensemble in which he brought his old friends from all over the world together. Lives in Vienna since 2010 and plays various bands, jazz and folk.


Rácz László egy nagyon régi és híres zenész család sarja. Laci 1968-ban született és az apja már akkor eldöntötte, hogy fia előtt egy zenei karrier áll. Eleinte hegedülni és zongorázni tanult, majd megismerte a cimbalmot, és kilencévesen már uralta is a hangszert. Klasszikus cimbalmot tanult a Bartók Béla Konzervatóriumban Budapesten 14 évesen. Ferenc Gerencser irányítása alatt folytatta tanulmányait a Liszt Ferenc Zeneakadémián. Tagja volt a híres Gypsy Violin Orchestra zenekarnak, és Lakatos Robi hegedűművész zenekarának. Jelenleg Bécsben él és számos zenekarral együtt játszik jazzt és népzenét.