The Harmonia Cordis Association says Welcome!
Flavio NATI

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Flavio Nati is a young classical guitarist, appreciated for his “maturity and quality of the highest level” whose concerts have been described as “an authentic experience for the various styles masterfully performed” (Diaro de Àvila). Graduated with honours in 2012 at the Conservatorium “Santa Cecilia” in his hometown - Rome - with Arturo Tallini, in under the guidance of Carlo Marchione he has took the master’s degree in “classical guitar performance” with full marks and honours at the Conservatorium of Maastricht, the Netherlands. He then completed his studies with many renowned international artists, such as Giuliano Balestra, Adriano del Sal, Paolo Pegoraro, Judicaël Perroy, Zoran Dukic. Furthermore, he was accepted various times in the prestigious Accademia Chigiana (Siena, Italy), where he attended the course of Oscar Ghiglia and has received honourable mentions and scholarships. He recently certified with full marks in the M.A. II Level Course in Interpretation of Contemporary Music at Conservatorium “Santa Cecilia” and in Guitar Performance at Conservatorium “Arrigo Boito” in Parma.

He gave concerts all around Italy and Europe (Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Croatia, France). In addition, he recently performed in a series of recitals in Japan and Korea, always with great success within audience and critics. He has been invited in TV and radio broadcasts, such as the prestigious Radio4 in Amsterdam and Cremona1 TV.

In recent years he participated and got awarded in various national and international competitions, such as “Tokyo International Guitar Competition”, “Fernando Sor”, “Classical Guitar Competition of Finland”, “Alirio Diaz”, “Enrico Mercatali”, “Mottola”, “Claxica”, “Città di Gargnano”, “Giulio Rospigliosi”, “Ferdinando Carulli”, “José Tomàs - Villa de Petrer” (Petrer, Spain).

The prestigious Scientific Committee of Guitar Convention “Michele Pittaluga” awarded him with the Golden Guitar 2016 “Young Promise” as the best up-and-coming guitarist of the year.

In 2018 he won the Respighi Prize: for this reason, he will play as soloist with the New York Chamber Orchestra in 2019/2020 season at the Carnegie Hall/Weill Hall.

He also plays in chamber ensembles, especially duos, with flute, with guitar, viola, singers or in bigger formations. Recently he won the first prize at the International Guitar Competition “Ferdinando Carulli” for chamber music section.

Since 2013 he is part of the guitar octet Supernova, ensemble under the direction of Arturo Tallini, formed by eight young Italian prizewinners of important national and international competitions and already on their way to a concert career. The ensemble explores contemporary music, improvisation, the use of electronic music, put in contact with the “classical” guitar and its tradition.

Since 2017 he is a pre-academic courses teacher in the Conservatories “Giovan Battista Martini” in Bologna and “Antonio Buzzolla” in Adria. Furthermore, he has been giving masterclasses for various associations all across Italy (Segovia Guitar Academy, Guitar Masters Lago d’Orta, Classic Music Lab, Associazione “Giulio Rospigliosi” Associazione "Ciao Classica") and he took part in the juries of important national and international competitions (“Giulio Rospigliosi”, “Fernando Sor”).


Flavio Nati este un chitarist clasic tânăr, apreciat pentru maturitatea sa artistică. Concertele sale au fost descrise ca fiind “O experiență autentică a interpretării cu măiestrie a variatelor stiluri muzicale” (Diaro de Avila). În 2012 a absolvit cu laude Conservatorul Santa Cecilia din Roma, orașul său natal, sub îndrumarea lui Arturo Tallini. Mai târziu, și-a obținut cu onoruri înalte diploma de masterat la Conservatorul din Maastricht (Olanda) unde a studiat interpretarea muzicală alături de Carlo Marchione.

La dezvoltarea sa artistică au contribuit numeroși artiști consacrați, precum Giuliano Balestra, Adriano del Sal, Paolo Pegoraro, Judicaël Perroy și Zoran Dukić.

A susținut numeroase concerte pe teritoriul Italiei și în Europa (Spania, Olanda, Austria, Croația, Franța) și, recent, în Japonia și Korea, având întotdeauna cu mare succes. A fost invitat la televiziune și la posturi radio precum Radio4 din Amsterdam și Cremona1 TV.

Recent a participat și a primit premii la numeroase concursuri naționale și internaționale de Chitară Clasică, precum “Tokyo Internațional Guitar Competition”, “Fernando Sor”, “Classical Guitar Competition of Finland”, “Alirio Diaz”, “Enrico Mercatali”, “Mottola”, “Claxica”, “Città di Gargnano”, “Giulio Rospigliosi”, “Ferdinando Carulli”, “José Tomàs - Villa de Petrer”.


Flavio Nati egy fiatal gitárművész, aki zenei kifinomultságáról és érettségéről ismert. 2012-ben diplomázott a Santa Cecilia Konzervatóriumon szülővárosában, Rómában Arturo Tallini gitártanár irányítása alatt, majd tanulmányait Carlo Marchione osztályán folytatta a Maastrichti Konzervatóriumban, Hollandiában. Részt vett többek között Giuliano Balestra, Adriano del Sal, Paolo Pegoraro, Judicaël Perroy és Zoran Dukic nemzetközileg elismert gitártanárok mesterkurzusain. Sikeres koncerteket tartott Olaszországban, Spanyolországban, Hollandiában, Ausztriában, Horvátországban, Franciaországban, Japánban és Koreában. Tv műsorokban és rádióban is megmutatta tehetségét, illetve számos nemzetközi gitárverseny díjazottja. Jelenleg a bolognai Giovan Battista Martini és az adriai Antonio Buzzolla Konzervatóriumokban tanít, és gyakran tart mesterkurzusokat országszerte. Flavio a 2019/2020-as évben az Eurostrings Young Stars program egyik képviselője.