The Harmonia Cordis Association says Welcome!
Yamandu COSTA

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Yamandu Costa, 7-string guitar virtuoso, was born in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where he began his guitar studies with his father Algacir Costa, band leader of “Os Fronteiriços”, when he was 7 years old. Later, he perfected his technique with Lúcio Yanel, Argentine virtuoso who was then settled in Brazil.

Until the age of 15, Yamandu´s only music school was the folk music from the south of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. Nevertheless, after he heard Radamés Gnatalli´s work, he decided to get in contact with the music of other renowned Brazilian musicians, such as Baden Powell, Tom Jobim, Raphael Rabello, among others. When he was 17, he played for the first time in São Paulo at “Circuito Cultural Banco do Brasil” (BB Cultural Tour). The event was produced by “Estúdio Tom Brazil” (Tom Brazil studio), and from then on he was recognized as one of the most gifted guitar players of Brazil. The music documentary by Finnish film maker Mika Kaurismaki, called “Brasileirinho” on “choro music” also featured Yamandu Costa, which gave him additional international attention.

Yamandu has created his very particular style of compositions, somewhere between the typical music from the south of Brazil, Choro and Samba with finger acrobatic like passages, high tempo and yet very delicate and melodious pieces. For the audience his music is somewhere between breathtaking and breathholding, accompanied by Yamandu´s way of melting with his instrument and being one for the duration of the concert. Yamandu is embracing the range of root-Latinamerican music with a clear basis on Southbrazilian swing.

One of the greatest geniuses of Brazilian music of all times, Yamandu deserves the highest praise. Whenever he is on stage, he fills with joy the most select audience since his impressive performance shows the deep intimacy between Yamandu and his guitar. The recognition he has earned throughout the years reveals what he can offer the audience – recreation of the magic of music – once from his fingers the music he plays travels through his body and soul and is almost miraculously transformed.

Yamandu is a guitar player, composer and arranger that does not fit into a single music style, yet he creates his own when he combines all of them playing his 7-string guitar. Yamandu fully deserves his beautiful name which in “tupi-guarani”, the native language of Brazilian indians, means “the precursor of the waters of the world”.

So far, Yamandu has recorded 17 CDs and 2 DVDs, Solo, in Duo, Trio, Quarter and with the Symphony Orchestra of the State of Mato Grosso and has also performed as guitar soloist with several Brazilian orchestras, from the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of Sao Paulo to the “Youth Camerata” from the Social Action for Music (Rio) and outside Brazil with the Calgary Philharmonic conducted by conductor Roberto Minczuk, with the “Orchestre National de France” conducted by conductor Kurt Masur and Debora Waldman as well as “Orchestre de Paris” by conductor Kristjan Järvi and Alondra de Parra , with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, with the National Orchestra of Belgium and with the Adelaide Art Orchestra. Upcoming international concerts with orchestras: Philharmonic Orchestra of Monte Carlo – Monaco and National Orchestra of Argentine Music – Buenos Aires.

His guitar style has inspired many young musicians who are following his new school of guitar playing. He is performed among others also with Bob McFerrin, Melody Gardot, Richard Galliano, Stefano Bollani, Vicent Peirani, Daniel Mille, Sylvain Luc, Stochelo Rosenberg, Sebastien Giniaux, Alfredo Rodriguez, Antonio Zambujo, Pepe Romero, Romero Lubambo, Slava Grigoryan, Juan Falú, Luis Salinas, Lucio Yanel, Pedro Jóia, Carlos Nuñez, Doug de Vries, Gerardo Núñez, Vladimir Sumin, Vladimir Markushevich, Mayra Andrade, Gilberto Gil, Djavan, Hermeto Pascoal, Mario Adnet, Paulo Jobim, Toquinho, Jõao Bosco, Ney Matogrosso, Roberta Sá, Dominguinhos, Naná Vasconcelos, Renato Borghetti, Hamilton de Holanda, Armandinho Macedo, Elba Ramalho, Guinga, Ricardo Herz, Baby Consulelo, Henrique Cazes, Robertinho Silva, Época de Ouro, Trio Madeira Brasil, Guto Wirtti, Nina Wirtti, Grazie Wirtti, Rogerio Caetano, Alessandro Penezzi, Nicolas Krassik, Bebê Kramer, Danilo Brito, Zé Nogueira, Edu Ribeiro, Tiago Espírito Santo, Jazz Cigano Quinteto, Luis Carlos Borges and Alegre Côrrea.

Besides numerous concerts throughout Brazil, Yamandu has toured in France, La Reunion, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, à Monte Carlo, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Slovenia, Russia, Lithuania, Serbia, Czech Republic, Australia, USA, Canada, Greece, Macedonia, Israel, Cyprus, India, China, Japan, South Korea, Zimbabwe, Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Iran, Kuwait, Ecuador, Cuba, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.


Yamandu Costa, virtoz al chitarei cu 7 corzi, s-a născut în Passuo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, în Brazilia, unde a început să studieze chitara cu tatăl sau, Algacir Costa, liderul formației “Os Frontericos” la vârsta de 6 ani. Și-a perfecționat tehnica cu Lucio Yanel, virtuoz Argentinian care era stabilit pe atunci în Brazilia. Până la vârâtă de 15 ani, Yamandu a studiat muzica folk din sudul Braziliei, Argentia și Uruguay. Inspirat de lucrările lui Radames Gnatalli, a decis să ia contact cu muzica altor compozitori brazilieni, precum Baden Powell, Tom Jobim și Raphael Rabello. Yamandu și-a creat un stil particular de compoziție, combinând muzica tipică sudului Braziliei, Choro și Samba cu pasaje virtuozice și tempo înalt, mențînând, însă, delicatețea și cantabilitatea melodiei. De câte ori este pe scenă, Yamandu umple cu bucurie chiar și cele mai selecte audiențe, deoarece performanța sa impresionantă arată o adâncă intimitate între el și chitară. Recunoașterea pe care a obținut-o pe parcursul anilor se datorează talentului sau de a transmite publicului magia muzicii. Yamandu este un chitarist, compozitor și aranjator care nu se încadrează într-un singur stil, ci își creează propriul stil, combinându-le pe toate pe chitara sa cu 7 corzi. Yamandu își merită cu desăvârșire numele sau, care în limba nativă a indienilor brazilieni înseamnă “precursorul apelor lumii”. Stilul său a inspirat mulți muzicieni tineri. Pe parcursul carierei sale, a sustitnut numeroase concerte solo sau alături de artiști consacrați precum Bobby McFerrin, Pepe Romero sau Stochelo Rosenberg. A avut concerte în  Franța, Portugalia, Spania, Belgia, Germania, Italia, Austria, Elveția, Liechtenstein, Olanda, Suedia, Norvegia, Finlanda, Estonia, Slovenia, Rusia, Lituania, Serbia, Cehia, Australia, SUA, Canada, Grecia, Macedonia, Israel, Cipru, India, China, Japonia, Sud Coreea, Zimbabwe, Capul Verde, Angola, Mozambic, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Tunisia, Iran, Kuweit, Ecuador, Cuba, Columbia, Chile, Costă Rică, Mexic, Argentina, Paraguay și Uruguay.


Yamandu Costa, hét húros gitárvirtuóz Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul-ban született, Brazíliában. Első gitáróráit az apjától, Algacit Costa-tól kapta hét éves korában, majd techináját Lúcio Yanel argentín virtóz segítségével fejlesztette. 15 éves koráig a dél-amerikai népzene volt a zeneiskolája, majd a komolyabb zeneszerzőkre kezdett felfigyelni, mint például Radamés Gnatalli, Baden Powell, Tom Jobim, Raphael Rabello stb. 17 évesen lépett fel előszőr São Paulo-ban és azóta Brazília egyik legtehetségesebb gitárosaként van elkönyvelve. Yamandu egy sajátos zeneszerzői stílust alakított ki magának, ötvözi a dél-amerikai népzenét, a chorot és a szambát. Gyakran megmutatja virtuozitását gyors futamú darabokban, de ugyanakkor érzékeny dallamokat is hallhatunk előadása közben. Eddig Yamandu 17 CD lemezt illetve 2 DVD lemezt adott ki, ezeken szóló, duó, trió és kvártett formációkban hallható zenéje, illetve zenekarral is mint szólista. Zenéje nagy hatással volt számos fiatal gitárosra, és pályafutása alatt olyan elismert művészekkel lépett fel egy színpadon mint például Bob McFerrin, Melody Gardot, Richard Galliano, Stefano Bollani, Vicent Peirani, Daniel Mille, Sylvain Luc, Stochelo Rosenberg, Sebastien Giniaux, Alfredo Rodriguez, Antonio Zambujo, Pepe Romero és az évek során világszerte koncertezett.