The Harmonia Cordis Association says Welcome!
Anton Baranov

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As winner of the 2013 Guitar Foundation of America Competition and more than 20 other prestigious contests around the globe, Russian guitarist Anton Baranov has established himself as one of the leading guitarists of today. His performances in a number of distinguished halls such as Carnegie Hall in New York, Palau de Musica in Valencia, Mariinsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg and Centenario Hall in Beijing have been described by musical critics as “pure magic” (Cleveland Classical), and “manages to paint beautiful sound pictures of rich depth and color with his guitar.” (The Guitar). Known for Baranov's daring interpretations and innovative programms, world renown guitarist and composer Roland Dyens called him, “...a real musician, one of those rare guitarists who are able to have their attendees almost forget the instrument they play, managing to have them focus on the expressivity of the music and only this.” Baranov's debute recording for Naxos Classical deserved American Records Guide Choise award as one of the best CD of the year. His Contrastes Records album consists of Spanish guitar music and it's on the market since August 2014. The recent CD called 'White Nights Serenades' has been released by Fleaur de Son Clasical label and it's ditributed worldidely by Naxos of America. Anton Baranov was born in 1984 and started playing guitar at the age of ten. He completed his musical education at the oldest and most famous Russian school of music, the Saint-Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory. Mr. Baranov has been a D' Addario artist since 2013 and plays Max Cuker double top guitar.


Anton Baranov s-a născut în anul 1984 și a început studiul chitarei la vârsta de 10 ani. Acesta și-a continuat studiile la una din cele mai importante instituții din Rusia, la Conservatorul Rimsky-Korsakov din Sankt Petersburg. Anton Baranov a câștigat premiul întâi la cel mai importat concurs de chitară din lume, Guitar Foundation of America în anul 2013, iar de numele său se leagă premii importante obținute la diverse concursuri internaționale din întreaga lume. Acesta a concertat în cele mai importante săli de concert din lume, printre ele se numără Carnegie Hall -New York, Palau de Musica - Valencia, Mariinsky Concert Hall – Sankt Petersburg, Centenario Hall - Beijing¬ și multe altele. Primul său CD înregistrat de către Naxos Records a fost unul din cele mai apreciate CD-uri ale acelui an, fiind recunoscut cu premiul American Reconds Guide Choise. În anul 2014 a apărut un nou CD al interpretului, intitulat Contrastes, în care acesta interpretează muzică spaniolă. Ultimul său CD apărut, intitulat White Nights Serenades a fost înregistrat tot de către Nacos Records. Anton Baranov cântă pe o chitară clasică de concert confecționată de lutierul Max Cuker și este susținut de fabrica de coarde americane D’Addario.


Anton Baranov 1984-ben született, és tízéves korában kezdett el gitározni. Zenei tanulmányait Oroszország legjelesebb zeneiskolájában fejezte be, a Szentpétervári Konzervatóriumban (Saint-Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory). Anton Baranov orosz gitárművész,  a 2013-ban megrendezett Guitar Foundation of America Competition és számos más, a világ különböző pontjain megszervezett verseny győztese, ma már a világ egyik legkimagaslóbb gitárosa. A zenéje tiszta varázslat (Cleveland Classical), gitárjával gyönyörű, színes, mélységeket bejáró hangfestményeket bír alkotni (The Guitar) – így jellemezték a zenei kritikusok számos előadását, amely fényes termekben zajlott (Carnegie Hall -New York, Palau de Musica - Valencia, Mariinsky Concert Hall – Szentpétevár, Centenario Hall - Beijing¬). Az első Naxos Classical-nek készült felvétele az év egyik legjobb CD-je lett, és elnyerte az American Records Guide Choise díjat. A Contrastes Records című lemeze, amely spanyol gitárzenét tartalmaz, 2014 augusztusában került piacra. A legújabb CD-jét, a White Nights Serenades-t az Amerikai Naxos Records alatt került kiadásra. Anton Baranov egy Max Cuker double top klasszikus gitáron játszik és tevékenységét az amerikai D’Addario húrgyártó cég támogatja.