Cultural Palace Târgu-Mureș
The 40th anniversary of the coronation of Franz Joseph I of Austria, King of Hungary brought a new bill regarding long-term loan for provincial cities to build (or re-build) their town halls. Thanks to this bill, the Palace of Culture was constructed on the request of mayor György Bernády. The ”Franz Joseph Cultural House” was built by Marcell Komor (1868-1944) and Dezső Jakab (1864-1932). The architect duo planned the town hall (completed in 1908) and two unrealized buildings: the Maros-Torda Country Court House and the Municipal Theatre building. The Culture Palace initially was planned as a two storey building, but mayor György Bernády persuaded the architects to add an additional floor (despite the fact that the construction has already started at that time). The local musical school had to move into the new building and the initial parameters proved too small for the school to fit in. The exterior and interior decorations are the work of the members of the Gödöllő Artist’s Colony. Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch realized the lobby decoration – similar to the English Pre-Raphaelite art and, because its simplified forms and strong contours, with the Japanese style woodcuts. Körösfői-Kriesch designed the 920×320 cm giant mosaic of the façade. The mosaic was realized by Miska Róth in his Budapest workshop. The Mirror Hall’s stained glass windows, designed by Ede Toroczkai Wigand és Sándor Nagy, were also manufactured in Róth’s workshop. The stained glass windows were exhibited in Budapest in 1913. Only after the exhibition closed, the windows were transported to Târgu Mureș in the autumn of 1913. In the right wing of the Palace the local music school (functioning since 1907) was accommodated, whereas the right wing has been home to the County Library since 1913. Additionally, in 1913 the Gallery and the language school also moved into the new building. The organ has been set up in the concert hall. Today, the organ is one of the largest in Central Europe. The organ is special, because it ‘survived’ all he renovations of the last century. Its original pipes still function perfectly: the most peculiar are the vox humana, which imitates the human voice and the Unda Maris, imitating the sea waves. The concert hall housed the city’s first movie theatre between 1913 and 1957, the first Romanian Theatre School between 1934 and 1940, the State Theatre between 1946 and 1973, the Fine Arts and Music Secondary School between 1949 and 1970, the Academy of Fine Arts between 1932 and 1949 and the County House for Guidance of Folkloric Creation between 1950 and 1999. The Palace’s second floor accommodates the Bernády Gallery and the collection of works by Romanian modern artists. This is where the visitors can admire mayor György Bernády’s office or visit the stained glass window exhibit.
St. Stephan Hall / Sala Szent István / Szent István-terem
Odorheiu Secuiesc, Piața Primăriei nr. 5
Székelyudvarhely, Városháza tér 5.
The St. Stephan Hall is situated in the City Hall building. The City Hall (once County Hall) was built between 1895-1896 in eclectic style, following the plans of the architect Ottó Stehlo. The merit of the interior architecture is the assembly hall, situated in the end of the closed interior yard The City Hall is located in the city center of Odorheiu Secuiesc.
Târgu Mureș Fortress
In 1492 Prince Báthory István ordered for a castle-fortress to be erected around the Franciscan monastery and church. A few of the original elements have been preserved, among them wall fragments on the Southern and Western sides, the tower on the Southern wing, attached to the furriers' bastion, and ruins of the South-Western tower, included nowadays in the tanners' bastion. The structure of these towers and the fact that they are square-shaped are indicative of a medieval type military architecture.
Six bastions were added during the reign of Bethlen Gábor (1613–1629). The furriers' bastion, erected in 1628, was divided into four levels, the vast interior space allowing for several craftsmen's guilds to function here. In addition to the furriers' guild after which the bastion was named, the locksmiths' and goldsmiths' guilds also had their headquarters here.
Each bastion has firing holes for cannons on lower levels and for hand-held weapons in the walls of the first and second floors.
The erection of surrounding curtain walls took until the second half of the 17th century. The inside of the walls are provided with archways supported by posts that sustain the guard path that is on the same level as the firing holes. There may have been defense ditches on the outside which were covered in time as they were not used.
The fact that Transylvania lost its status of autonomous principality and became part of the Hapsburg Empire entailed a series of changes in what concerns military architecture. Modern, Vauban type fortresses were built in many Transylvanian towns such as Alba-Iulia, Oradea, Timișoara. The political changes in the principality were not without consequence to the fortress of Târgu Mureș. The houses inside the fortress were demolished to make place for the military headquarters and bakery. Following the restorations of 1962–1965, the walls and bastions reclaimed their initial form.
19th Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival
last update: 21-07-2024
6 august 2024 • 19:00 • Palatul Culturii / Kultúrpalota
• Florian Babțan-Varga (RO)
• Tritonus Guitar Trio (HU)
10 minute pauză / 10 perc szünet
• Cassie Martin (FR)
• Marcin Dylla (PL)
7 august 2024 • 19:00 • Palatul Culturii / Kultúrpalota
• Tomasz Radziszewski (PL)
• Mateusz Kowalski (PL)
• Duo Mateusz Kowalski & Tomasz Radziszewski (PL)
10 minute pauză / 10 perc szünet
• Nino D’amico (IT)
• Duo Bandini-Chiacchiaretta (IT/AR)
8 august 2024 / 19:00 • Palatul Culturii / Kultúrpalota
• István Ferenc Beke (RO)
• András Csáki & János Bálint (HU)
10 minute pauză / 10 perc szünet
• Dávid Pavlovits (HU)
• Rovshan Mamedkuliev (RU)
9 august 2024 • 19:00 • Cetate / Vár
• Roberto Fabbri Trio (IT)
• Antal Pusztai Jazz Band (AT/RO)
• Cenk Erdogan Trio (TR)
10 august 2024 • 19:00 • Cetate / Vár
• Duo Celeste (RO)
• Lydie Fuerte (FR)
• Los Tres Magníficos: Jerónimo Maya, Rycardo Moreno, Pepe Fernández (ES/FR)
11 august 2024 • 19:00 • Cetate / Vár
• Alexandr Misko (RU)
• Tommy Emmanuel (AU)
Ne rezervăm dreptul de a schimba programul! × A műsorváltoztatás jogát fenntartjuk!
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7 august 2024 • 18:00
Sala Sf. Ștefan (Primăria) / Szent István terem (Városháza)
• Beáta Vajda (RO)
• Tritonus Guitar Trio (HU)
• Antal Pusztai (AT)
8 august 2024 • 18:00
Sala Sf. Ștefan (Primăria) / Szent István terem (Városháza)
• Alexandru Peștina (RO)
• Nino D’Amico (IT)
• Duo Bandini-Chiacchiaretta (IT/AR)
9 august 2024 • 18:00
Sala Sf. Ștefan (Primăria) / Szent István terem (Városháza)
• Duo Celeste (RO)
• Cassie Martin (FR)
• Lydie Fuerte & Juan-Manuel Cortes (FR)
10 august 2024 • 18:00
Sala Sf. Ștefan (Primăria) / Szent István terem (Városháza)
• Rudolf Forgács (RO)
• Tomasz Radziszewski (PL)
• Jacques Stotzem (BE)
Ne rezervăm dreptul de a schimba programul! × A műsorváltoztatás jogát fenntartjuk!
Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Competition • 2024
The Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Competition’s first round (no age limit category) will be held online, with the competitors submitting an uncut and unpublished (NOT uploaded to YouTube, Facebook, Soundcloud or any other online platform) Video recording of their performance alongside with the registration form to the email address until the 30th of June 2024; 11:59PM (Romania time). The recordings can be sent through WeTransfer or any other large file emailing platform.
The competitors will also send in the scores of their recorded pieces together with the ones chosen for round 2 in a clean and visible PDF format. (We strongly suggest you send us the exact score from which the piece was learned, because some other editions might not be exactly the same!)
The recordings will be judged without names or images (only by audio), so the jury will not know who is playing. All decisions by the judges are final.
The finalists will be selected by the 15th of July 2024 and only after will they be revealed to the jury. There will be 6 finalists, who will be competing live in the Final Round during the Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival in Târgu Mureș, Romania between the 6th and 11th of August 2024.
The video performances of all competitors will be united in a video that will be streamed on the Facebook Page of the Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival ( and the winners will be announced after the stream. Competitors will be notified about their results on the email address of the registration form.
The whole program has to be performed memorized and the pieces cannot be repeated in the second round. The time limits are set very strict and include tuning time.
• At least 2 pieces from different periods
• Time limit: 10–15 minutes
• The program has to be performed memorized
• First round will be online
• Video recordings must be sent to until 30th of June 2024
• Free Program
• Time limit: 20–25 minutes
• The program has to be performed memorized
• Live performance at the Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival in Târgu Mureș, Romaniaon the 10th of August 2024
• Violation of time limits will cost 5% for every 60 seconds (playing too long, or too short).
• Edited videos will cause the immediate disqualification of the competitor without the possibility to get a refund of the competition fee.
• If the video is found to be published already (Facebook, YouTube, Soundcloud, Instagram etc.) the competitor will lose 15% of the average score.
A scale from 0 to 100 points is used by every member of the jury for the competitor`s evaluation. The highest and the lowest scores have to be eliminated to calculate the participant’s average score. All competitors will receive their individual scores after the evaluation.
1st Prize:
– A double top concert classical guitar made by Spanish luthier Eduardo Alférez (worth 6.000 €)
– Video recording session at Siccas Guitars in Karlsruhe, Germany
– 1 Year Tonebase Subscription
– Strings and accessorries from Savarez and D’Addario
– Diploma
2nd Prize:
– An AER Cubello acoustic/classical guitar amplifier with Bluetooth (worth 750 €)
– 1 Year Tonebase Subscription
– Strings and accessorries from Savarez and D’Addario
– Diploma
3rd Prize:
– Scholarship for the 20th Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival in 2025 (including food, accomodation, masterclass and competition expenses)
– 1 Year Tonebase Subscription
– Strings and accessorries from Savarez and D’Addario
– Diploma
4th – 6th Prizes:
– Diploma of Finalist
In case of equal scores, the head of the jury declares who will be awarded. The jury reserves the right to withhold prizes if necessary.
No age limit category: 50 € (fifty euros)
Free concert entrance every night.
The registration will be accepted only after we received the payment, the registration form, scores and the video recording of the competitor’s performance. Please attach a document certifying the money transfer with the registration form. (Payment order or PDF from the internet banking.)
All payments must be transferred to our bank account with the mention “Harmonia Cordis Competition”.
IBAN: RO58 BTRL 0270 4205 F446 38XX
For any further information please contact us by email at
By entering the competition, you consent to the use of your personal data by the Harmonia Cordis Association for the purposes of administering the Competition and for any other purposes to which you consented during the entry form submission process. The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number of a data subject shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 679/14.04.2016), and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to the Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival and Competition. Personal data of a competitor will not be published or provided to any third party by the Harmonia Cordis Association.
19th Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival
The registration for classical and jazz guitar masterclasses is open.
You can access it here » REGISTRATION FORM
• Masterclasses participation 50 euro
• Meal – Lunch and Dinner – 80 lei/day/person
This year, we cannot provide any accommodation options for the participants. We can provide meals (lunch + dinner) for 80 lei per day per person. Masterclasses will be held between the 7th and 10th of August 2024.
Anul acesta nu putem oferi opțiuni de cazare participantilor. Masa poate fi servită la restaurant (prânz+cină) pentru suma de 80 de lei pe zi pe persoană. Cursurile de măiestrie vor fi ținute între 7-10 august 2024.
Idén nem tudunk szálláslehetőséget biztosítani a mesterkurzusok résztvevői számára. Étkezést biztosítunk (ebéd + vacsora) napi 80 lej/fő áron. A mesterkurzusok 2024. augusztus 7–10. között lesznek.
Harmonia Cordis International Youth Guitar Competition • 2024
Category A – 11 years and younger
Category B – 15 years and younger
Category C – 19 years and younger
All categories of the Harmonia Cordis International Youth Guitar Competition will be held live at the 19th Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival between the 6th and 11th of August 2024 in Târgu Mureș, Romania. Applications containing the registration form, proof of payment and the scores of the pieces played by the participant must be sent to until the 19th of July 2024 (23:59 Romanian time). The whole program has to be performed memorized. The time limits are very strict and include tuning time. Previous winners can only apply in a higher category than the one already won. The prizes can be redeemed at the Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival’s awards ceremony on the 10th of August 2024.
• Free program
• Time limit: 4–7 minutes
• Free program
• Time limit: 7–12 minutes
• At least 2 pieces from different periods
• Time limit: 8–15 minutes
• Violation of time limits will cost 5% for every 60 seconds (playing too long, or too short)
• In case the participant does not fulfill the requested program, the competitor will lose 15% of the average score (Category C – at least 2 pieces from different periods)
A scale from 0 to 100 points is used by every member of the jury for the competitor`s evaluation. The highest and the lowest score will be eliminated to calculate the participant’s average score.
Category A:
– Certificate of Attendance / Diploma for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize and Honorable Mentions
– Classical Guitars from the Hora Musical Instruments Factory
– Strings and accessories from Savarez, D’Addario
Category B:
– Certificate of Attendance / Diploma for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize and Honorable Mentions
– Classical Guitars from the Hora Musical Instruments Factory
– Strings and accessories from Savarez, D’Addario
Category C:
– Certificate of Attendance / Diploma for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize and Honorable Mentions
– Classical Guitar from Alhambra Guitars
– Strings and accessories from Savarez, D’Addario
Further prizes could be announced!
In case of equal scores, the head of the jury declares who will be awarded. The jury reserves the right to withhold prizes if necessary.
• Category A: 20 € (twenty euros) / 100 RON (one hundred Romanian lei)
• Category B: 20 € (twenty euros) / 100 RON (one hundred Romanian lei)
• Category C: 20 € (twenty euros) / 100 RON (one hundred Romanian lei)
Free concert entrance every night.
The registration will be accepted only after we receive the payment, the registration form and scores from the competitor. Please attach a document certifying the money transfer with the registration form. (Payment order or PDF from the internet banking)
All payments must be transferred to our bank account with the mention of “Harmonia Cordis Youth Competition”. The payment can be made either in EUR or RON. Please choose the bank account according to your choice from the ones below.
for EURO payment:
IBAN: RO58 BTRL 0270 4205 F446 38XX
for RON payment:
IBAN: RO83 BTRL 0270 1205 F446 38XX
For any further information, please contact us by email at
By entering the competition, you consent to the use of your personal data by the Harmonia Cordis Association for the purposes of administering the Competition and for any other purposes to which you consented during the entry form submission process. The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number of a data subject shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 679/14.04.2016), and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to the Harmonia Cordis International Guitar Festival and Competition. Personal data of a competitor will not be published or provided to any third party by the Harmonia Cordis Association.
For any further information, please contact us by email at